Jorge Velasquez arose from the ground many moons ago. He's currently living in a rather spacious tower somewhere in Europe, keeping watch on his land and ensuring the safety of his gnome citizens. Jorge Velasquez often interacts with those on the "internet," an odd signal he picked up from his Huawei Orb which he now uses throughout his tower. Using this new technology, he may teach those on the other side about the wonders of Jorge Velasquez, the Greatest Wizard in the Universe. After coming across a rather powerful wizard by the name of "Gandalf the Grey," Jorge Velasquez decided that Gandalf would be a near-perfect wizard to use in his image on each of his social media accounts, of course, subtracting the staff he wields.
Jorge often sits and appreciates his masterpiece of a web page, which was hand-crafted from the fiery depths of his basement where he keeps his orb hooked up to a series of Wi-Fi routers around the Tower. His website took the careful consideration of one of Jorge's greatest rivals to perfect and complete. Not many truly understand the sheer might of Jorge Velasquez, the Greatest Wizard in the Universe, so he made this website to spread awareness of his power to the people of the world. He even has his own video game on